All businesses that exist today invariably employ some employees and work with third parties (like vendors, sub-contractors and other business associates) on a regular basis. Several employees and vendors are highly skilled and have a set of credentials (including insurance, licenses, certifications and HR forms) that expire over time and have to be updated to remain relevant. As a result, each business nowadays feel the need of outsourcing employees and vendor credentialing or buy a background checking software to keep the records error-free and up-to-date.
Organizations that tend to use Excel spreadsheets and hierarchical structure to take care of their staff and vendor credentialing, run a high risk of building outdated and even fraudulent credentials' records. Considering that each employee in a healthcare centre may need tracking of as many as 15 credentials per head, a centre with 300 employees would need to stay updated with at least a couple of thousands of credentials in total. Background checking software, on the other hand, is designed to handle many thousands of credentials up to date without glitches.
Organizations that tend to use Excel spreadsheets and hierarchical structure to take care of their staff and vendor credentialing, run a high risk of building outdated and even fraudulent credentials' records. Considering that each employee in a healthcare centre may need tracking of as many as 15 credentials per head, a centre with 300 employees would need to stay updated with at least a couple of thousands of credentials in total. Background checking software, on the other hand, is designed to handle many thousands of credentials up to date without glitches.